Dispositiu d’Atenció a la Fragilitat del Servei d'Urgències (DAFSU)
The Hospital launched the new Frailty Care Device of the Emergency Service (DAFSU), a new space that operates 24 hours a day with 13 boxes adapted to the characteristics of frail patients and integrated into the Emergency Service, thus increasing the performance of current circuits, both care-related (diagnostics, therapeutics, and interconsultations) and patient transfer and administrative tasks. The creation of the new DAFSU device was proposed within the framework of the Frailty Care Program of the Emergency Service initiated in 2011 and is currently part of the National Emergency Plan of Catalonia (PLANUC), responsible for funding the project.

Contacte Urgències


Bloc E, planta -1

Bloc D, plantes -1 i 0


Secretaria Urgències i Coordinació de Trasplantaments

Correu electrònic:



Telèfon: 93 553 75 68