In especially serious situations, a second medical opinion (SMO) can be requested from a physician on the diagnosis or treatment indicated for the disease. In this case, the SMO is the report issued by this physician with the purpose of confirming or proposing alternatives regarding the diagnosis or the initial treatment.
An SMO can be requested in the public health services in the following cases:
- If the diagnosis is of a progressive degenerative disease of the central nervous system, with no cure, or a malignant cancer (in the case of skin cancer, the SMO can only be requested in the case of melanoma).
- If an operation has been indicated involving orthopedic surgery with risk of major functional limitation, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, or ophthalmic surgery.
- If the need for a transplant has been prescribed.
- If the diagnosis is for a minority disease (including genetic diseases). A minority disease is a disease that carries a risk of death or chronic invalidity and that affects no more than 5 people per ten thousand inhabitants.
To request an SMO, you must contact the patient care department of the hospital where you are being attended.
Click here for more information
Hospital de Sant Pau
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