Mission statement
The Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau is a healthcare service provider serving its area of influence and a leading institution in Catalonia in terms of excellence in these services.
It is a competitive and dynamic hospital in its fields of activity: healthcare, teaching and research.
The mission of Sant Pau is to achieve the best health results with the best patient experience, contributing significantly to the advancement of Medicine.
The Hospital strives to continue to set the standard in Catalonia as a leading centre based on the excellence of its healthcare, teaching and research services, strongly integrated within its area of influence and boasting a high level of qualification in human, professional and technological terms. It also aims to be the leading provider of healthcare services in the population within the area of influence that it covers. It also exercises the leadership of the health services of the population of its own area of influence.
Five are the main axes on which the values common to the philosophy of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau are structured.
More community
We want to be the best traveling companion of our population and other health devices.
Obtain the best health results of the reference population. Fix and excel in indicators.
Strengthen collaborations and alliances with primary care and social-sanitary staff.
Boost gender perspective to avoid diagnostic and therapeutic bias.
Having a specific fragility-care device (Qcare).
More empathy
The most complex assistance with the most humane treatment.
Ensure the best patient experience with the best possible treatment.
Ensure the most appropriate treatment for each health problem. Do everything that is necessary and, exclusively, what is necessary.
Improve user contact (in person and remote). Value the importance of time for the user.
Deploy the new organizational model based on the intensity of the care and the functional units.
More talent
We want to be the Hospital preferred by Professionals.
Generate a nutritious ecosystem for Sant Pau’s sentiment.
Innovate in organizational formulas in a highly feminized environment with changing values.
Capture, train and develop the best professionals (home-based and preferred choice of the best experts).
Fully deploy the autonomy of management and ensure the roles focused on value input.
More vanguard
Reaffirm the position of leadership of Sant Pau in what we are excellent and unique.
Identify and develop the areas of excellence for each service.
Increase impact research.
Contribute to the system from the areas of great excellence: Neuroscience, Cardiovascular, hematology and gene therapies and complex surgeries.
Grow on the map of the high complexity of Catalonia.
More Innovation
Sant Pau, the gate to innovation
Digitization at the highest level.
Big Data and artificial intelligence as a great transformation lever.
Bet on the innovation initiatives of professionals.
Be a large innovation introduction platform in the system.

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