Training stays
Training stays regulated by the Ministry (foreigners)
They affect all health professionals who carry out their activity abroad and must be authorized by the Spanish Ministry of Health. This authorization is granted solely to active professionals and has a maximum duration of six months, exceptionally extended to six more months. They must access the Ministry of Health's website (www.mscbs.gob.es) before making any management to obtain detailed and updated information on the regulations governing these stays and on what procedures they will have to do.
To consult the availability of our services please contact: estanciasformativas@santpau.cat
Training stays for professionals from the Spanish State
In order to promote the training of professionals from other areas of external care in the Hospital, training periods of different kinds are facilitated and accepted by professionals and entities who want to share and train in our institution.
Hospital attendance is contemplated for limited periods of time and with individualized training programs for professionals related to the field of competence.
The stays will be only observational; they will not have a work connection and will not serve as such to homologate or obtain any official title. They will be of a limited time subject to availability of the teaching capacity in the requested period.
• In the case of doctors or other health professions other than nursing, the Hospital recommends that they contact through the mail: docencia@santpau.cat
• In the case of nurses, the Hospital recommends that they contact through the mail: docenciainfermera@santpau.cat
It is possible requesting a visit to the hospital for a few hours and with individualized objectives of professionals related to the field of interest.
Contact us via email: campusaprenentatge@santpau.cat