
Plastic and Reparative Surgery is a joint service shared between the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau and the Hospital del Mar with the aim of responding to all the healthcare needs of the population and accumulating the experience required to be a leading centre in the field of highly complex diseases. The objective of the Service is to achieve professional excellence in the treatment of patients, in the sphere of undergraduate and postgraduate tuition and in the areas of research in this specialist field.
The service
The service

Informació assistencial
Health information


Informació usuaris
Users information

Contacte i ubicacio Cirugia Plastica

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau

Sant Quintí, nº 89
08041 Barcelona


Telèfon: 93 291 90 00

Fax: 93 556 56 07

Correu electrònic: cir_plastica@santpau.es


Hospital del Mar

Passeig Marítim 25-29
08003 Barcelona

Telèfon: 93 248 39 71

Fax: 93 248 33 13

Correu electrònic: hospitaldelmar@parcdesalutmar.cat


Project Manager European School of Reconstructive Microsurgery

Elena Mohedano
Correu electrònic: elena.mohedano@uab.es
Telèfon: 00 34 93 5565505