
Perfil del contractant

Contractor Profile

The Fundació de Gestió Sanitària de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (the Hospital's Healthcare Management Foundation) forms part of the public sector, with the status of a contracting authority but not a public administration. This subjective status means that the Foundation is subject to the application of the Consolidated Text of the Public Sector Contracting Act. In accordance with Article 191 of this Act, the Hospital's Healthcare Management Foundation has approved Internal Contracting Guidelines that regulate the contracting procedures that are not subject to standardized regulation, with the aim of ensuring that the principles of disclosure, concurrence, transparency, confidentiality, equality and non-discrimination are upheld, and awarding the contract to this most financially beneficial tender.

Its contractor profile is listed on the Public Contract Service Platform of the Catalan Government, which includes all of the contractual activity of the Hospital's Healthcare Management Foundation, along with other information of interest to tenderers: Internal Contracting Guidelines, Contracting Office and the relevant contact details.

The following links also contain information on the contractual activity of the Hospital's Healthcare Management Foundation: the transparency website of the Fundació de Gestió Sanitària, Contracting Supervision and Assessment Office, Public Contract Register and the Catalan Tribunal of Public Sector Contracts.



Public Contract Service Platform of the Catalan Government

Service for notification of administrative acts and electronic communications (e-NOTUM)

Transparency website of the Fundació de Gestió Sanitària

Contracting Supervision and Assessment Office

Public Contract Register

Catalan Tribunal of Public Sector Contracts


Information on subsidized public procurement


European Regional Development Fund of the European Union




Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau is the promotor and coordinator of the TIQUE project, funded by the European Union and with a total budget of more than €6 million. The project involves the participation of 8 partners from 5 countries, whose goal is to create and validate new integral and integrated care systems for people with advanced heart failure and complex care requirements. The solutions must make it possible to improve care services for these patients, through the use of technology, in order to provide rapid, personalized responses through integrated care.

The TIQUE project will focus on treatment approaches for patients with heart failure who have coexisting chronic diseases, fragile patients, or patients at risk of fragility, by means of a precommercial procurement process, in which services will be contracted to investigate innovative solutions to cover the needs of patients in three very different European regions: Catalonia (Spain), the Vasterbotten region (Sweden), and Avellino (Italy).

TIQUE received funding from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant Agreement 965356) of the European Union and is a Precommercial Procurement (PCP) project, which will carry out a process of creating, developing and validating new solutions with industry to bring to market a new generation of solutions that facilitate advances in the treatment of these patients.

The solutions produced by TIQUE will respond to the challenges facing three health care organizations, which will define the needs and validate the solutions: Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Spain, Azienda Sanitaria Locale Avellino in Italy, and Vasterbotten in Sweden. The project will involve the participation of the Catalan public health care system, through the TIC Salut Foundation and the Catalan Health Care Quality and Evaluation Agency; two SMEs that provide support in the coordination of the project, JERA Consulting from the United Kingdom, and VALE Innova in Spain; and a technology partner from Israel, Assuta Medical Centers Ltd.

European Framework on Chronic Diseases and Multimorbidity

European countries are facing rapid growth in the number of inhabitants living with chronic disease and multimorbidity, which puts tremendous pressure on health care systems. Heart failure is one of the most prevalent diseases among these patients and is the main cause of admission to hospital in people over 65 years of age. Different European studies have found that 80% of health care expenditure is concentrated in the last 6 months of a patient’s life.

The current care model for these patients requires a specialist for each comorbidity, primary care for day-to-day care, and often, formal and informal caregivers. Drugs become complex to manage and dangerous if not used correctly. The main problem lies in the fact that care of these patients must be well coordinated and this is sometimes not the cases due to different circumstances.

One of the TIQUE interventions is integrated care. This means that it is necessary to build a comprehensive view of the person, shared by the entire care team, which can ensure continuity of the appropriate professional care at all times in the patient’s life. The TIQUE project is also based on the fact that, when chronic diseases are treated, strict monitoring of the patient prevents deterioration and high costs.

Application of Technological Tools to Patient Care

Current ICT allows for the use of technological tools such as sensors to monitor patients in real time, and we can go a little further by using artificial intelligence (AI) and/or big data to prevent exacerbation crises. TIQUE also provide for widespread use of monitoring devices, data, and algorithms to successfully anticipate the needs of a patient at risk.

The project also aims to combine the intervention of the community with the digital vision to provide support to patients and caregivers, given that, in general, they are in difficult personal circumstances and motivation and support are essential for better control of the disease.

Sustainability of the Project and Public-Private Cooperation

Finally, TIQUE also seeks to have an impact on the habit of sustainability over the long term to find the best clinical solutions and those best perceived by the patients, and better optimization of the time of health care professionals. This is why the TIQUE solutions will seek a sales model based on sustainability and bringing value to the patient. Furthermore, TIQUE aims to explore the design and implementation of the model based on public-private collaboration, which materializes in the provision of new services that can be adopted at full scale when the project ends.


Information on subsidized public procurement


European Regional Development Fund of the European Union




Innovation is one of the main pillars of the Europe 2020 Strategy (EE2020) for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Within the framework of the EE2020, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is run by the European Union as a source of financing for regions.

At a worldwide level, lung cancer is an illness with one of the highest incidence and a low survival rate due to patients being diagnosed at advanced stages of the disease. Currently, the prevention and detection of this disease, diagnostic precision and different potential treatments for lung cancer are priority objectives of health programs in most countries around the world.

The Hospital de Sant Pau is proposing a new diagnostic approach for patients with suspected lung cancer using minimally invasive techniques that improve the diagnostic performance of such patients within a model of coordination, joint responsibility and sharing risk between the hospital and the industry. Incorporating electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy will enable us to respond to currently unresolved clinical situations and improve the management of patients with peripheral lung lesions that need accurate diagnosis.

Co-financed 50% by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union within the framework of the Catalan ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020, the implementation of this project will improve the performance and reduce the complications of diagnosis, as well as facilitating the decision-making process for health professionals in this field, generating an overall financial saving and improving patient quality and safety.

Information on the ERDF 


Reinforcing the capacity to respond to the Covid-19 crisis implemented by CatSalut (Catalan Health Service)




Catalonia and the Member States have been uniquely affected by the consequences of Covid-19, which has triggered a public health crisis with huge economic and social impact. Huge levels of unplanned spending are required to reinforce the capacity of the health system, as well as for equipping society with the tools it needs to tackle the pandemic. The contribution of European funding is essential for overcoming the health and socioeconomic situation caused by the impact of Covid-19.


Horizon Program 2020




Since 2008, the European Commission has been providing support through its innovation financing programs and by creating networks of public procurers at a European level to foster innovation and the exchange of good practices, as well as promoting cross-border public procurement.

Horizon 2020, the European Union's largest financing program for research and innovation in the period 2014-2020, funds the preparation and execution of cross-border public innovation procurement projects through its calls for applications.

Since 2015, the Health Management Foundation of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau has participated in European public innovation procurement projects:

Firstly, within the framework of the StopandGO Project, in 2016, the Foundation bid for a new treatment approach for patients with arrhythmia who require an implanted automatic defibrillator that, through a shared risk service contact and on a pay-for-performance basis, implements remote monitoring technologies that improve patient safety and comfort.

This project has received various accolades for management innovation at an international level, such as the Silver Economy Awards.

The Foundation currently heads the group of procurers that form the Ritmocore project, which aims to implement a comprehensive, integrated management service for patients with arrhythmia who require a pacemaker, covering the entire lifecycle of the treatment of these patients, as well as enhancing their empowerment and the coordination with primary care. The Health Management Foundation of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau procures services through the group of four procurers involved in the project, which includes the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, the Hospital Universitari Mútua de Terrassa and the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital.

The Ritmocore project is financed by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through the grant agreement no. 727796.


Information on the Horizon 2020 Program  

Information on the StopandGo Project 

Information on the Silver Economy Awards 

Information on the Ritmocore Project 


European Regional Development Fund of the European Union





Innovation is one of the main pillars of the Europe 2020 Strategy (EE2020) for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Within the framework of the EE2020, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is run by the European Union as a source of financing for regions. The initiatives financed through the ERDF within the period 2014-2020 have to be aligned with the research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation strategy (RIS3) of each European region. One of the instruments of Catalonia's research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation strategy (RIS3CAT) is the RIS3CAT Public Innovation Procurement Program, which aims to ensure that the Public Administration is an active agent in the Catalan innovation system by co-financing the Catalan ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020 (PO ERDF Catalunya 2014-2020).

Healthcare is one of the key focus areas of the RIS3CAT Public Innovation Procurement Program. Therefore, with the objective of stimulating the implementation of public innovation procurement in the health sector, CatSalut is issuing a line of grants for public innovation procurement projects run by organizations that own centres that form part of the comprehensive public health service of Catalonia (Resolution SLT/1913/2017).

The Health Management Foundation of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau is one of the institutions that, within the framework of this line of grants, will conduct a project focusing on a diagnostic and therapeutic approach to lung cancer in undiagnosed patients through neuronavigation. This project aims to facilitate the study and monitoring of pulmonary nodules that are not currently diagnosed due to the complexity of obtaining samples of lung tissue, as well as advancing research and knowledge in this field.

Information on the Europe 2020 Strategy 

Information on the Catalonia 2020 Strategy  

Information on the RIS3CAT Strategy 

Information on the RIS3CAT Public Innovation Procurement Program 

Information on the ERDF 

Call for applications for the CatSalut grant (Catalan Health Service) 



Program to support technology renewal (PERT)

With the support of Servei Català de la Salut


The Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau has acquired a series of medical technology equipment with the support of the Servei Català de la Salut as a beneficiary of the public call for the award of grants on a competitive basis for the co-financing of investments in the renovation of healthcare equipment and medical devices in acute hospital centers integrated in the integrated healthcare system for public use in Catalonia (SISCAT) within the framework of the Specific Program to Support Technological Renovation (PERT) promoted by the Servei Català de la Salut, during the period 2021-2022.

More information:




Plan for investment in high technology equipment of the SNS (INVEAT)


Project financed by the European Union through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism-NextGeneration EU.


The Hospital de Santa Creu i Sant Pau has been notified of the inclusion of two operations so that they can be part of the financing by the European Union through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM)-NextGeneration EU, within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, in its Component 18 "Renewal and expansion of the capacities of the National Health System": Investment plan in high-tech equipment in the National Health System.


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